Client Success Stories

Investing in Myself

Working with Maria was one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. I decided to work with her because I wanted to make an investment in myself and curate a wardrobe filled with clothes that fit me well and are flattering, but I had no idea where to even begin. Maria is an expert in that area. She thoughtfully guided me through a thorough review of my clothes and helped me to identify new ways I could use many of the clothes I already owned in creative ways. She took the time to brainstorm outfit ideas with me so I had lots of great ideas about how to style myself for different events. The process was empowering and left me feeling excited about wearing my new outfits that helped me feel confident and happy with my appearance. What a gift! 

Maria and I also went shopping together, and I purchased some beautiful items of clothing that will last me for years. One of my favorite things I learned was how to pair my new items with items I already owned. I had no idea how versatile my clothes were! The result is that I feel like I have so many more options than I ever realized before, and now I don’t worry or stress about my outfit because I can wear an outfit Maria suggested, and I know I’ll look great. 

Her insight and expertise are top-notch, and I really appreciated how she listened closely to what I told her and made suggestions that were tailored to me. I was initially somewhat hesitant to work with a stylist because I’ve gained weight over the years and clothes don’t fit me the way they used to. Maria was kind and sensitive and helped me find clothes that fit me well. I ended up feeling great about the whole experience, including my new clothes and outfits. Her positive energy combined with her obvious talent and keen eye for fashion is the perfect combination. I cannot recommend Maria highly enough, and I can’t wait to work with her again in the future! 


Dallas, TX

Service Used

Closet Review + Curated Shopping: Jennifer had so many solid wardrobe staples, but needed to edit out those that really no longer served her. Once we honed in on her favorites, we crafted a shopping list to round out her wardrobe. The new pieces infused some new energy into Jennifer’s wardrobe, and the new combinations empowered her to get dressed with confidence!

It’s So Much Deeper Than Clothes

I have to say working with Maria and engaging in this process is about something so much deeper than clothes.

It’s about investing in yourself. It’s about getting comfortable with yourself. It’s about having fun and being excited to put things on your body. It’s about being confident in who you are so you can put your energy in other places that are needed. It’s about not hiding, but celebrating yourself in new ways through the clothing. 

I don’t know that I knew all of this was possible before working with Maria, but I get it now. And everyone should experience this!


Truro, MA

Service Used

Closet Review (virtual): Nicole wanted to go through her wardrobe with an eye for what needed to go so that we could narrow down to the things she loved the most. The editing process allowed her to rediscover pieces in her wardrobe so we could put together new combinations for her to wear. While we did find a few new pieces to add, she truly found joy in what she already owns and how to wear those pieces with greater confidence and power. 

Discovering a Signature Style  

It was so helpful to work with Maria to develop my style. She asks insightful questions that helped me narrow down what I was looking for, what makes sense for my life and my lifestyle, and what I like to wear. She pushed me out of my comfort zone but into recommendations that are exactly what I needed and wouldn’t have picked myself! 

I learned what styles work best on my body type. Finally, she provided me with a lesson and pictures that made sense so that when I’m shopping, I know exactly what I’m looking for and why- so so valuable! I also loved having the pieces she recommended styled for me so I know how to combine everything into lots of different outfits.

It’s absolutely worth it to work with Maria. It’s so much fun, and she makes you feel really special. I came to her with a tricky situation (living overseas in a VERY casual, VERY hot place while still working a formal remote job), and she nailed the style I was looking for and made recommendations that make sense for what I need. Highly recommend!


Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Service Used

Signature Style Overhaul: Chelsey really wanted to understand her signature style better so that living in Cuba would feel more accessible and seamless. She utilized my signature style assessment so I could build a style profile for her to reference anytime in the future. We then identified the key wardrobe gaps that reflected her signature style, and I provided her with a variety of online links to shop those specific items. We were able to achieve all of her goals through a virtual experience that gave her knowledge and confidence. 

Beyond the Style Work 

Above all else, Maria’s expertise is in the inner work. Of course, she helps you wear the pieces you love in new ways, rediscover the ones you don’t wear, and part with the ones that need to be retired. But ultimately, Maria is a coach in self-love. If you let it, the results from just one session with Maria can pervade and fortify your entire inner self. And the impact is limitless.


Morristown, NJ

Service Used

Night Out Virtual Consult: Christina wanted to have some separation between her professional attire and a night out with her husband or friends. She sent me pictures of select pieces in her wardrobe, and I created 25+ combinations for her to reference for an evening out. 

Building the Best Wardrobe

I found EVERYTHING about Maria helpful and delightful. My closet is now working for me. I have released the clothing that is not serving me. I have some great new combinations and some great ideas for “zhuzhing” up what I already own.

I learned a super secret, clever way to hang my sweaters so they don’t get those weirdo puckers in the shoulders.

I cannot recommend Maria more highly. I had no idea how fun this whole process would actually be. She is just a delightful person to be around and SO professional even while being completely accessible. I now feel EVERYONE should get to spend a few hours smashing through their closet with Maria’s guidance. It was not embarrassing. There was no judgement. And, I am left feeling great about my closet, clear about how I want to present myself, and encouraged to experiment. I cannot even rate the experience because it was off the charts wonderful!


Natick, MA

Service Used

Kate was ready to edit her wardrobe and find the best way to make her wardrobe work for her. 

Closet Review: Piece by piece, we edited Kate’s wardrobe and created new combinations for her to experiment with, especially as she’s co-hosting her amazing podcast. We gave older pieces new life and helped her figure out a better organizational strategy for her walk-in closet. 

Downsizing to Uplevel

Maria helped me get some past my hoarding tendencies by reminding me that whatever gets to live in my closet should make me feel great.

I learned how to think about the things I have in new ways; combining pieces that match my values, which I learned is a mix of “sweet and tough”! I also learned that dressing isn’t just a superficial thing; it’s a way of expressing your individual spirit and enhancing your emotional well-being.

Maria is this subtle mix of stylist and spiritual guide. Instead of applying a formulaic approach, she pays attention to who you are and helps you bring that out in the way you dress. She arrives to help you organize and leaves you feeling recharged!


Brookline, MA

Service Used

Kendra was ready to focus on her signature style, edit, and downsize her wardrobe to reflect her authentic self and lifestyle. 

Closet Review: In two appointments, we carefully reviewed her full wardrobe (including coats!) to isolate specific items that describe the style vibe she wanted. We edited out pieces that no longer served her, which resulted in a closet composed of items she truly loves. Not to mention, she is already speaking more compassionately about herself!

A Fresh Take on an Edit

Maria has such a great eye. She is honest and decisive which was essential to editing my wardrobe. She was extremely helpful in creating “new” outfits from my existing wardrobe. She showed me that I could put together items I already own to create brand new looks.

Maria is truly wonderful to work with! She is fun, positive, and works hard to understand what your needs are and works with you to accomplish those goals.

Wellesley, MA

Service Used

Judy shared that she was good at editing her own wardrobe, but she needed that additional “push” to evaluate whether something was worth hanging onto or not. She also wanted to style a few select pieces in new ways to ensure she would wear them more.

Closet Review: Together, we reviewed select items in her wardrobe, and Judy honestly parted with items that she really wasn’t wearing nor could see herself wearing again. What remained was a collection of beautiful pieces (many of which were styled in new ways for fresh combinations)! We also had time to review purses and scarves to help narrow down to her favorites.

Stepping Into Her Power

Maria was helpful in so many ways that I didn’t expect. I knew she’d identify specific outfits that would work well on me from my own wardrobe (by the way – she really did pull outfits together from pieces I never would have thought to mix), but I didn’t realize how helpful her purchase recommendations would be for me. Everything I bought based on her suggestions have become my favorite items in my closet. Especially for someone who doesn’t like shopping, I have so much more confidence now in what I’m buying and how I’m presenting myself.

I learned new ways to wear clothes! This made me a bit braver to play with belts and scarves and mix some patterns together. 

I’ve already told my friends about how thorough and thoughtful Maria was. I showed them how well organized she was and how specific she was with my outfit guidance. I’ve told them about how numerous people at work have complimented my outfits lately. I’m really grateful to have worked with Maria and expect to seek out her help in the future.


Indianapolis, IN

Service Used

Katie earned a well deserved promotion, and she was ready to present a more polished persona for her professional life. 

Closet Review: In two virtual appointments, we reviewed her closet with a careful eye for what would work well for both virtual and in-person responsibilities. Katie deserved to have her professional look match her accomplished resume, so we elevated her overall wardrobe by building new outfit combinations and rounding out with shopping for select new pieces to complete the look. 

The Gift of Style 

I purchased Maria’s services as a gift for my 20-year old daughter, Julia, who was struggling to find her style- not a teenager any longer but not ready for “adult” clothes. Maria was so kind, encouranging and relatable. She helped my daughter overcome the fear of “letting go” those items that no longer served its purpose, and made her realize that just because it was once loved doesn’t mean you have to keep it forever. Especially the socks!

We were so impressed by how easy the Zoom sessions were to navigate. I was hesitant how this would work with us not being able to be together in person. But after she started the first call, I was so impressed by her ability to just KNOW exactly how to ensure that Julia felt engaged. Honestly there was no feeling of separation at all! Maria took the time to carefully and thoroughly walk through EVERY ITEM (and when I say EVERY ITEM, I mean it) in her wardrobe. She was so patient. After the review, Maria put together outfits for my daughter that she only saw on a ZOOM call! She remembered every item Julia loved, took notes and listened. The combinations she put together were amazing!  All of the creativity, thoughtfulness and preparation were first rate.

Maria is without a doubt, an exceptional stylist. Her creativity and attention to detail are amazing to watch. Don’t be afraid to do this remotely vs in person- the experience was as personalized as we could have hoped for. I loved that she forces you to look at your wardrobe not just as individual pieces of clothing. The color analysis was amazing as well. So helpful to know what colors Julia should steer towards and most importantly steer away from. There was also never a push to just buy new clothes. She emphasizes working with what you have which was shocking to see in the wardrobe/outfit combinations she put together for Julia. All done over a Zoom call- It was incredibly impressive!!!


Mandeville, LA

Service Used

Laura purchased a Closet Review as a gift to her daughter who was looking to connect with her signature style and understand the best colors to shop for in her wardrobe that would compliment her skin tone, hair, and eye color.

Closet Review & Wardrobe Shopping: Piece by piece, we reviewed (virtually) Julia’s full wardrobe to understand what she currently owns and edit out the pieces she no longer wants to wear. We also made notations of items she wanted to wear more (with ideas for combinations) and potentially purchase to round out her wardrobe.

Young Adult Style 

My style session with Maria was really fun, and I was so happy that she helped me identify the best color palette for my skin tone, eyes, and hair color. I really appreciated knowing what colors look good on me and how to shop for those colors in my clothing choices.

I learned a lot about style proportions, too. Things that are baggy (like a top) shouldn’t also be paired with a baggy bottom. Understanding the balance between a more fitted bottom with a baggy top (or vice versa) was a really useful tip.

The style session helped me get rid of clothes that I don’t need or don’t wear- that was such a relief! Maria also really helped me with my confidence in wearing clothes that are a good fit for my style and body.


Mandeville, LA

Service Used

Julia was given a closet review and wardrobe shopping as a gift, and we worked together to identify her signature style and color palette for shopping. 

Closet Review & Wardrobe Shopping: Piece by piece, we reviewed (virtually) Julia’s full wardrobe to understand what she currently owns and edit out the pieces she no longer wants to wear. We also made notations of items she wanted to wear more (with ideas for combinations) and potentially purchase to round out her wardrobe.

Connecting Wardrobe with Inner Self

I have always been someone who has struggled with fashion. Shopping for clothes has always been a challenging chore for me. However, working with Maria has completely changed my perspective! Once she described clothing as an outward expression of my inner self, something clicked for me. I started to see fashion as an extension of myself that sends a message about who I am. Maria made our time together so much fun and enjoyable! Working with clothes in this way was a new experience for me. She helped me identify the essence of my true self in clothing styles which helped me uncover the true beauty of who I am.

I learned how to express my true self through the clothes I wear. Maria helped me recognize the mismatch in my personality and style of clothing. This was very insightful! It has helped me more fully embrace who I am both internally and externally.  

Maria is an incredibly compassionate, creative, and talented stylist. She takes the time to really get to know her clients and understand who they are as a human being. Maria skillfully gathers more information about her clients through their wardrobe, which serves as a clue to gaining deeper insight into how each person represents themselves in the world. She works with her clients by intuitively matching their inner beauty to their outer beauty in order to help them become more fully aligned with their whole self; body, mind and soul! Maria is a fun-loving stylist who cares deeply about her clients. When you decide to work with Maria, I promise it will be a transformational experience full of hope and growth!  


Morristown, NJ

Service Used

Molly had a high volume of clothes for what she actually felt good wearing. A very common problem: she had a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear!

Closet Review (2): In two virtual appointments, we edited her closet together to really hone in on those items she truly loves or sees sentimental value in keeping. We also focused on several words that she used to describe how she feels best in her clothing- these words ultimately were the catalyst for her signature style! Through a carefully curated shopping list, we created a stronger link between Molly’s inner and outer self and how she presents in the world. 

Scaling Back and Scaling Up 

With Maria’s help, I learned to see my clothes in a whole new way. She put together colors and styles that I never would have thought to combine. They all felt fresh and creative, which makes me see wearing these “old” items with “new” eyes.

I also discovered that I don’t have to buy something new in order to have a new outfit to wear. Like many of us, we find it fun to wear something new, but Maria showed me how to create the new combinations from what I already have.

Maria asked me very candid questions about what I like or don’t like about my clothes. She has a system that she uses to evaluate how much I wore/liked an item. Interestingly, I had to really think about whether it was worth keeping or not! It gave me a better critical eye to make these decisions going forward. It was one of the best experiences for myself!


Irving, TX

Service Used

Nancy is using two separate closets for her wardrobe, and she wanted to edit down to items she really loved. She made it a practice to hang/arrange her clothing according to combinations she liked to wear, e.g., this blouse under this sweater, and had a harder time seeing new combinations for certain items.  

Closet Review (2): In two separate appointments, we edited each closet and created a functional closet by season (fall/winter and spring/summer). We were able to identify items that elicited excitement from her (which means she will wear them!) and purge/donate others that were not. She also garnered over 25 new combinations for select items in her wardrobe (with pictures). 

Seasonal Closet Edit During COVID-19

My fall/winter closet is 100% ready to go- Maria got it done in one afternoon, whereas it would have taken me days or weeks by myself, and I would have never gotten it as organized as she did!

She showed me some great options for changing up older items, and I really needed that! I also realized how I tend to gravitate toward the same items (hello, army green pants and all things camo!). We edited pieced that no longer served me- something that I probably couldn’t (or wouldn’t!) have done on my own. I think we tend to hang on to things for sentimental reasons or may feel wasteful pitching them. She made me realize it’s okay to let those things go and by creating a donate or consign pile, it made the process much more fun and freeing.

Honestly- just DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Hiring Maria was one of the best things I’ve done in a long time, and I plan to edit my closet twice a year with her going forward. I know I am not alone in saying that styles change, our bodies and tastes change, and to have Maria come in and help edit my closet to my current needs was immeasurable. I am still enjoying the “high” from what we accomplished, and I am not afraid to go into my closet anymore!


Dover, MA

Service Used

Closet Review: Tracy transfers her seasonal clothes between two closets, so she was ready to move out spring/summer and move in fall/winter. In that process, we were able to go piece-by-piece with items for the current season to decide what she really wanted to keep and wear. She made healthy donate and consignment piles (yay for recycling!), and she even created a nice pile to offer her daughter. We made a “first-pass” edit for her spring/summer clothes as we transferred them to the other closet, and that allows us to see them with fresh eyes when that season arrives. We also moved items around in her main closet for better access and organizational purpose.

Professional Woman Amidst Transitions 

I found so many things helpful about my consult with Maria I don’t even know where to start…she helped me organize my closet so I could even see what clothes I had, but even more, she helped me see my clothes through her eyes! All of a sudden, getting dressed was fun instead of a chore because she was able to teach me what combinations of things to look for and reminded me it wasn’t about how I looked, but how I felt in what I had!

I learned what to look for or think about when I go shopping and a little about how to accessorize. So that when I am in the fitting room, it is less overwhelming or confusing. I also don’t waste time (or money) on items that were just like everything else I already had.

This whole experience was well worth the money! It was fun because she’s so passionate and creative with clothes and color and can instantly make outfits look so pulled together.  She is right there with you in your closet, and the value of my time with her has carried over for weeks and will continue now forever.  She changed my approach to getting dressed, and already I feel more confident!


Frederick, MD

Service Used

Closet Review & Wardrobe Update:
Kelly crossed a few big thresholds this year and felt it was time to face these transitions with enthusiasm and a fresh perspective. She wanted to embrace a style that felt more authentic to her, while using her wardrobe for both work and play. We spent time finding new combinations for items that were not being worn as much, while also pulling together two distinct capsule wardrobes that would serve her personal and professional life. I also provided her with a shopping list of items to round out her wardrobe for these functional purposes.

A Polished, Professional Look for Client Meetings & Speaking Events

Maria is absolutely amazing! Within a few hours, I had a completely reorganized closet, new stunning combinations of outfits from my own closet that I had never put together before and a list of suggested pieces to complete my wardrobe. Maria knows instinctively what I need and where to get it. Now I am hiring Maria to select the pieces that are missing and have a list of hand-selected possibilities (with links!) of several key pieces to purchase first. With her help, I do not have to spend long hours online or going from store to store trying to figure out what will work for me.

Maria showed me how and why to set up my closet to be aesthetically pleasing, functional, and keep my clothes looking their best. Having an organized and uniform-looking closet makes way more of a difference than you’d think!

The most unexpected thing you will get out of working with Maria is the change you will see in yourself. After going through my closet, assembling new outfits, adding a few key pieces, I look more put together–as expected! but I also find that I am standing taller and I feel more confident. Just by going through this experience, I am treating myself kinder and seeing myself as worthy of feeling fabulous – inside and out.


Middletown, MD

Services Used

Lisa meets one-on-one with clients in therapy and coaching sessions and is often up on the stage in front of an audience, speaking to a church congregation or giving a lecture at a university. Her challenge was putting together a wardrobe that had variety (for clients she sees regularly) and could work for being a public speaker, while be comfortable and professional at the same time.

Closet Review: After pulling out the items that were no longer working for her, we organized the remaining pieces by color and on uniform hangers. We identified a few key pieces that would really expand her outfit possibilities.

Wardrobe Update Shopping Trip: After reviewing her current wardrobe and having her size and tastes in mind, I knew what was needed and got to work.

Petite Entrepreneur Looking for the Right Fit & Style

Maria is an amazing stylist in that she is honest and completely non-judgmental. Most women (including me) have always had some insecurities about their bodies, and Maria is sympathetic and works with them, instead of being dismissive and pushy. She will always tell the truth when you look fabulous or when you should probably try the next style!

Maria has taught me to keep an open mind. There are some colors and styles I’ve never even tried, and Maria has encouraged me to look outside my comfort zone (and seems to intuitively know what works for me when I never would have picked it out!)

It is an incredibly positive and uplifting experience working with Maria. In addition to being wonderful at styling, she is a warm, lovely, and engaging person and has actually become a friend. I have officially gone from disliking shopping to looking forward to it!


Auburndale, MA

Service Used

Wardrobe Update Shopping Trip :
As a petite woman, Barbara finds it hard to find clothing that fits her frame proportionally, while also looking age appropriate and comfortable. As a small business owner, she also has to present herself professionally when attending marketplaces or product shows. We typically come together twice a year to identify select pieces that would add well to her existing wardrobe, which means adding color, texture and pattern to her staples. 

Career Coach in Need of the Perfect Power Suit

Maria took the time to get to know what types of styles I was interested in and was honest with what would work and also what would not. I can now identify the best clothes for my body type and lifestyle. I like a bit of edginess to my clothes, and Maria was able to find the most perfect suit for me — with just enough edginess that struck the right tone.

Maria is so personable and comfortable to be around. She truly took the time to get to know me, my lifestyle, my fashion needs and likes. Maria has great fashion knowledge and hits the right look for me every time. I tell my friends: trust Maria —she wants you to look your best!


Boston, MA

Service Used

Wardrobe Update Shopping Trip:
As a career coach, Colleen needs to look the part she so often encourages with her students. She was looking for a new power suit for the professional presentations she often is asked to do. Her style is important to her, as she wants to look appropriate, but also demonstrate her flare and personality. We shopped the W by Worth line together, and we found a suit that really “suited” her! 

Updating a Wardrobe After Weight Loss

Maria took the time to ask me thoughtful questions about my wardrobe, shopping habits and challenges. The initial consultation helped me to realize patterns and habits I had not even noticed and allowed me to clarify my goals. Maria really meets you where you are and guides you forward in a truly supportive way.

I learned to think more broadly about what pieces of my wardrobe go together. The concept of a capsule wardrobe (pieces I can mix and match) was new to me as I always seemed to wear the same pieces together. She also helped to push my thinking to include patterns and color in ways that didn’t feel overwhelming.

My advice: Take that money you are about to waste on new clothes and get Maria to help you shop your closet first! The time I spent with Maria left me feeling energized and confident – the complete opposite of how I often feel when I shop. Treat yourself – you deserve it!


Milton, MA

Service Used

With recent weight loss, Katie’s existing clothes no longer fit well and felt outdated. She also wanted to find combinations for select pieces she did not know how to style.

Closet Review: We organized two primary closets worth of clothes by function and color, evaluated pieces that needed to be kept or tossed, and created innumerable new combinations of outfits with existing wardrobe (took pictures of combos so she could reference them later).

Building a Stylish Second Hand Wardrobe

Maria helped me look at my existing wardrobe in a new way.  My biggest take away was helping to identify the items that I could get which would help my wardrobe be more flexible.

Maria reminded me that jewelry is a great accent piece and wearing narrow belts adds dimension to an outfit.  These are things that I had forgotten.

Having a new set of eyes look at your existing wardrobe helps you to think of ways that you could get excited about stuff you already have in your closet.  It “could” save you from more shopping that is not necessary.


Waltham, MA

Service Used

Natalie is very committed to environmental and sustainability issues, and wanted to maximize her existing wardrobe by creating new combinations (adding accessories, too). We created a “to buy” list for her to shop for at second-hand stores.

Closet Review: We spent the majority of the time creating new combinations (with pictures) and then accessorizing with jewelry and belts. Created her “to buy” list, and then I offered some additional consignment or second-hand stores in the area to try.

New Look for a New Executive 

Seeing how I can use my existing wardrobe to create an entirely new look. Also understanding why I liked most of my clothes, I never felt that I had a good “look.”

One thing I learned was how to use patterns together and colors I never would have thought of putting together.

My advice is to let Maria into your closet and open yourself up to her. If you do, she will work magic!


Belmont, MA

Service Used

Ann was starting a new job and wanted to make positive first impressions. Her existing wardrobe felt outdated and ill fitting, and she had a hard time finding plus size apparel in stores that didn’t feel aged on her.

Closet Review: We organized her existing wardrobe by color and function; I created new combinations of outfits with existing wardrobe (took pictures); created a list of items to purchase to better round out her wardrobe for more efficient dressing and a contemporary feel.

Professional Wardrobe Needs for Presentations & Travel

I find it most helpful that Maria always has a few ideas about any piece of clothing you might want. She gives a suggestion for a higher cost/higher quality option, but also for a quality, but lower cost option. She also seems to magically know which size in any designer will work for me — online and also in person.

One thing I learned was that turtlenecks aren’t really cool 😉  No, seriously, I’ve learned how to better judge something on the rack without trying it on…what neckline looks best, favorite colors, waistlines that make me look slimmer.

Maria’s advice and attention to your closet is a gift that you should give yourself — she has done so much research on brands, trends, and sizing that it is worth every penny to have her help guide you.  I highly recommend a shopping trip because she gives honest, great feedback and you walk out feeling really accomplished with fun new clothes. She works within a budget, too.


Wellesley, MA

Service Used

Wardrobe Update Shopping Trip:
Susan was in the running for some significant grants in her profession, and she would be interviewing with leaders in the industry. We shopped together for professional suits and underpinnings that would work well for her frame (she’s petite) and comfort factor while presenting and traveling. She’s since secured those grants (yay!), and has also created a list of items to be on the lookout for to round out her professional wardrobe. 

Event Prep for Sister-in-Law’s Wedding

This summer my sister-in-law was getting married and I needed a long dress, which was a new length for me. Maria helped me accessorize from head to toe–from shoes, to bracelet, to earrings! I found it so helpful that she talked with me about what I was looking for so it would jive with my own style, and then sent me photos and links for different options that were on trend and would work well with my dress.

I appreciated so much that she was teaching me in the process about what would work and why, so that I was able to then pick something out myself and feel confident in my choices! Maria has been my unofficial go-to fashion consultant for years, and nothing gives me more pleasure than using one of her style tips on my own and surprising her with a photo!

Maria understands how to work with what you love, to help you develop confidence in your own personal style – I’d refer her in a heartbeat to anyone looking for a great stylist… and I can’t wait for her to come shop my closet with me in 2020!


Sherborn, MA

Service Used

Get Fancy Event Prep: Crista’s sister-in-law was getting married and she struggled to find the right accessories to complement her floral maxi dress. I sent her specific links to purchase stylized earrings, bracelets and shoes- all keeping in mind her comfort level and budget.

Updating an Artist’s Wardrobe to Match Her Style

Working with Maria gave me more confidence in dressing well than I’ve ever had before. Maria really took the time to listen to what I was looking for and put together a variety of outfits that solved many of my problems. Our appointment together was more personalized than I had expected and every piece she pulled was thoughtful and felt tailored just for me.

The time I spent working with Maria on my wardrobe taught me more about how to dress my body and personality than all my decades of shopping alone had. Pieces that I would never have picked off the rack on my own have now become wardrobe staples. Now when I go shopping I can see the potential of an item because I know what details and cut to look for that will flatter my body type. I can also now see how pieces work together and have a more cohesive and curated wardrobe overall.

I would absolutely refer Maria to a friend, and I have! Every time I wear one of the outfits she put together for me I get tons of compliments. Maria is also so much fun to be around that I didn’t want our appointment to end! If you’re looking for an outfit for a specific event or to overhaul your entire wardrobe, call Maria because she has extremely helpful advice, an amazing eye, and you’ll have a blast during the entire process. The next time I need styling guidance I’m definitely working with Maria again.


Hyannis, MA

Service Used

Anne felt her existing wardrobe was drab (she’s a super creative artist!) and her clothing did not match her flare and vibe. She is actively showcasing her art and wanted some comfortable, attractive combinations to better represent herself. She also had recently lost some weight and had some ill-fitting apparel.

Wardrobe Update Shopping Trip: We shopped at the Wrentham Premium Outlets together and found her a variety of items that met her needs for both an art show and date. We also focused on better age appropriate attire to help her feel more creative in her apparel choices.

Treat Yourself to Style

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