The Crystal Ball

Putting this process into practice is a life-long journey. And each time I do something new or venture into new territory, I know that there will be big things to process. I guess it would have seemed like starting my own business was enough “newness” for...

Glass Half-Full

If you know me, I tend to lean optimistic. I’m not always a glass half-full gal, but most often I am. Something I had to learn early on in this process is that I tend to move to optimism before I really honor something hard or difficult. I think we all have some...

Little Ria

I’ve been a fairly spiritual person my whole life, so I assumed reconnecting with my body and heart wouldn’t be too hard. I’ve had a devoted practice of prayer and journaling for many years. Yet, my mind’s activity was on overdrive. I...

Break Rooms

I remember the day I spoke with Lindsay, my former higher ed colleague/soon-to-be supervisor/forever friend, about this remote HR role at the fundraising consulting firm where she was the COO. I was finishing a shift at the women’s boutique and sat in the break...


The funny thing is I worked at a business university for nearly 12 years. I toyed with getting a (free) MBA more than once, but at that time, I wasn’t even remotely considering my own business. If you’ve ever worked with college students, you know how...

Success & Freedom

I talked in my podcast how I grew up not really knowing there were other constructs for work (i.e., a professional career) than what I had traditionally known. The concept of entrepreneurism felt a bit “out there” and for certain personalities that I did...
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