I’m in a season of my life where I work in 3 month increments of time. I don’t necessarily know how life looks on the other side of those blocks of time, and each time I approach that marker, I’m building trust. Allow me to explain.

I came to San Diego for the summer to primarily settle in a bit. I wanted to feel like I live here, so I’ve committed to fairly ordinary things (with a sprinkle of vacation-esque plans, I’m in SoCal after all!). Cooking my meals, working out regularly, enjoying the natural order (I love the plant life here!), watching shows I’ve been meaning to see (just finished The Bear- woah!), and building the next iteration of my business. It feels good to be in a home with multiple rooms (funny, huh?) and even take my laptop outside to write like I am now. Summer here is pretty fantastic. Cool breeze. Warm sunshine.

But believe it or not, I have already been here one month, and I have another month to go. It’s wild how fast the time has flown by even just doing the simple things. Naturally, I am starting to pay attention to what’s next and feeling that familiar pang of uncertainty. Believe me, it never goes away completely, no matter how much work I’ve done to release worry and doubt. And if it appears that I flow seamlessly through these transitions, I assure you I have my days where that is not the case. But more and more, I honor the moment of uncertainty (usually with a few tears- I’m a crier!), and then I get to the place of trust. Trusting that I am exactly where I need to be now, and that I’ll know exactly where I need to be next.

Leading a spiritual life doesn’t ignore the practicalities of life (shelter, food, income). But it does require building the trust muscle to live with more ease, or as my guides say, living on easy street!

Let me give you a recent example: on the 4th of July, I felt some angst over where I could watch fireworks. I knew there had to be lots of spots in San Diego where I could see them, but I also was a little self-conscious about finding a spot among families and friends gathered. I had all but reconciled myself to just enjoying the day without fireworks. I went on a long walk near the water where I saw people setting up tents, grills, and games for the day. I thought to myself this must be a place where you can see fireworks, but I still wasn’t 100% sure. Fast forward to 9pm, and I was at my rental watching a show on Netflix, and I heard the familiar boom boom boom outside. I got up and glanced out the window…lo and behold! I could see fireworks! All I had to do was walk outside onto the front lawn, and I had exactly what I wanted. It was just that easy.

I’ve held a belief for a long time that I have to work really hard for the things I want/need, often to the point of exhaustion. But I’m being shown over and over again that isn’t true at all. Aligned work is actually not that hard, per se, it just requires following a different kind of work ethic. It’s a dance among setting intentions, having faith and trust, and taking aligned action. It asks that I see myself as abundant in all aspects of my life, and to relinquish the control of having everything perfectly figured out and receive the perfectly designed things in store for me…with ease.

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